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TWGH Corporate Partnership Recognition Ceremony 2022

Under the influence of the epidemic, many industrial and commercial organizations donated different preventive materials to help the vulnerable group in Hong Kong during the disaster. As a leader in the direct sales industry, the Hong Kong Direct Selling Association (HKDSA) has also contributed to the community by pairing with the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals. Some fundraising or donation activities, including flag sales, giving of test kits, etc., were organized to solve the poverty of resources in need. The Tung Wah Group of Hospitals identified HKDSA as a corporate partner and recognized the Association's continuous contribution by presenting a certificate of appreciation on 12 December 2022. Represented by the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, HKDSA attended the Corporate Partnership Recognition Ceremony to receive the award under the company by Mr Tseng Hing Yip (the 4th Vice-Chairman) and Mr Low Chen Yang (Head of the Community Services Division).

While carrying out regular business, the HKDSA is also committed to social responsibility, giving back warmth and love to society. Below are the Certificate of Recognition and the group photos with top executives of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals.


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